Opțiuni strategice pentru dezvoltarea politicii forestiere

Strategic options for forest policy development

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en:process:phase02:webinars:g1 [2020/12/15 09:55] – created administratoren:process:phase02:webinars:g1 [2020/12/15 09:55] (current) administrator
Line 2: Line 2:
-Prezentarea de suport pentru webinar-ul grupului +Presentation support for Group webinar (Romanian) 
 {{pdfjs 200em,500px> :process:phase02:webinars:webinar1_grupul1_prezentari.pdf }} {{pdfjs 200em,500px> :process:phase02:webinars:webinar1_grupul1_prezentari.pdf }}
en/process/phase02/webinars/g1.1608018905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/15 09:55 by administrator